Unabhängiger World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2024 in Wien veröffentlicht

- Der Bericht ist mit einer Pressemeldung hier zu finden: https://www.worldnuclearreport.org/World-Nuclear-Industry-Status-Report-2024-1046
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- Alles über den WNISR auf umweltFAIRaendern
Dokumentation: In der Übersetzung der Pressemitteilgung der Autoren und Herausgeber heißt es:
- Dokumentation: 11 September 2024 – 19 September 2024 in Vienna – Global Launch of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2024 – The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2024 (WNISR2024) will be released on 19 September 2024, during an in-person-only event in Vienna, co-hosted by BOKU University, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, the German Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, followed by a public event at BOKU University in the afternoon.
The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2024
Global Launch Event
🗓 Thursday, 19 September 2024
🕘 9:00–11:00 (CET)
📍Presseclub Concordia • Bankgasse 8, A-1010 Vienna
🗣 English
➡️ Please RSVP here (in person participation only!)
Note: the event will prioritize questions from media representatives, however a public event with a similar program will also be held in the afternoon (details below).
There will be a diverse line-up of distinguished speakers:
➣ Introduction: CHRIS KÜHN | President, Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE), Germany
Presentation WNISR2024
➤ Global Overview : MYCLE SCHNEIDER | Independent Analysist, Paris, France, WNISR Coordinator and Publisher
➤ South Africa and Potential Newcomer Countries in Africa: HARTMUT WINKLER | Prof., Department of Physics, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, WNISR Contributing Author
➤ Civil-Military Cross-Financing in the U.K. Nuclear Sector: ANDY STIRLING | Prof., Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex, U.K., WNISR Contributing Author
➤ Fukushima Status Report / Japan Focus: TATSUJIRO SUZUKI | Prof., Nagasaki University, Japan, WNISR Contributing Author
➤ Decommissioning Status Report: CHRISTIAN VON HIRSCHHAUSEN | Prof., Berlin University of Technology, Germany, WNISR Contributing Author
➤ Small Modular Reactors (SMRs): M.V. RAMANA | Prof., University of British Columbia, Canada, WNISR Contributing Author
➤ Nuclear Power vs. Renewable Energy Deployment: ANTONY FROGGATT | Independent Energy Consultant, London, U.K., WNISR Co-Lead Author
The annual World Nuclear Industry Status Report (WNISR) provides a comprehensive overview of nuclear power plant data, including information on operation, production, construction, and decommissioning. The WNISR assesses the status of newbuild programs in existing as well as in potential newcomer nuclear countries. The report also compares the development of nuclear power and renewable energy globally. WNISR2024 includes special focus chapters on Nuclear Power vs. Renewable Energy Deployment and Power Firming and Competitive Pressure on Nuclear Energy, that assess how solar/wind + storage put increasing competitive pressures on the nuclear sector. Further focus chapters include an overview of Small Modular Reactor (SMR) developments; an analysis of the Russia Dependencies of the global nuclear sector with a case study on Russian designed fuel assembly manufacturing; an analysis of the Militarization of Civil Power Plants based on the case study of tritium production for weapons in the United States and its significance for France; and an assessment of Civil-Military Cross-Financing in the U.K. Nuclear Sector discussing how tax- and rate-payers unknowingly subsidize the civil and military nuclear establishments. The Fukushima Status Report provides an overview of ongoing onsite/offsite challenges of the 2011-disaster. The Decommissioning Status Report looks at the current situation of the now over 200 closed nuclear power reactors.
For more information and past reports, published annually since 2007 see http://www.worldnuclearreport.org/.
🔴 Please RSVP here (in person participation only!)
The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2024: Public Event
🗓 Thursday, 19 September 2024
🕓 16:00-18:00 (CET)
📍BOKU University • Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33 1180 Vienna Room: SR 13 first floor (MENH 01/43)
➣ Welcome: NIKOLAUS MÜLLNER | Head, Institute of Safety and Risk Science, BOKU University, Austria
➣ Introduction CHRIS KÜHN | President Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE), Germany
Presentation WNISR2024
➤ Global Overview : MYCLE SCHNEIDER | WNISR Coordinator and Publisher, Paris, France
➤ Decommissioning Status Report: ALEXANDER JAMES WIMMERS | Research Associate, Berlin University of Technology, Germany, WNISR Contributing Author
➤ South Africa and Potential Newcomer Countries in Africa: HARTMUT WINKLER | Prof., Department of Physics, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, WNISR Contributing Author
➤ Civil-Military Cross-Financing in the U.K. Nuclear Sector: ANDY STIRLING | Prof., Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex, U.K., WNISR Contributing Author
➤ Small Modular Reactors (SMRs): M.V. RAMANA | Prof., University of British Columbia, Canada, WNISR Contributing Author
➤ Nuclear Power vs. Renewable Energy Deployment: ANTONY FROGGATT | Independent Energy Consultant, WNISR Co-Lead Author
➤ Power Firming and Competitive Pressure on Nuclear: DOUG KOPLOW | Founding Director, Earth Track, Cambridge, United States, WNISR Contributing Author